Monday, November 17, 2014

I Love Being a Missionary!

Sister Badger and I Biking Through a Cemetery
Well I forgot my planner... so we'll see how much of this week I can remember. 

Monday night we had dinner with the Jones family. They have a 2 month old who is so cute and smiley! There are a lot of babies in the ward and it is making me really grateful that I get to go home and hold children again soon!

Tuesday we had a lesson with Ify. She is a new investigator from Nigeria and she is very VERY Catholic. She listened to our message and gave great answers to every question we asked her. When we tried to introduce the Book of Mormon to her, she refused to take one. We have a lot of members from Nigeria or who have a Catholic background, so hopefully they will be able to come to our next lesson with her. After our lesson with her we had knocked on a lot of doors of less actives or potentials in the area, but no one was home! I love being a missionary! That night we had dinner with the Moreno family and then headed to the church for our Relief Society activity. We had a craft night where we made lots of different things. There was a Sister from our ward who taught us how to level and decorate a cake. We decorated mugs and made some cute other little things and we made frames with a picture of Christ and "The Living Christ" in it. It was fun and Jay was able to come and have a good time. No we have not been able to teach her at all yet because everyone here has been getting sick. I love being a missionary!

Wednesday we had district meeting and then went on exchanges. Sister Andersen came to Knightdale with me and we had a great day. We contacted a couple of referrals and then taught Allean. She still isn't quite getting it.... but she's getting there! I love being a missionary!

Thursday we switched back and we had a good day. We stopped by a lot of houses and met a lot of less active members. We also had a really good lesson with the MacDonald family. They are a young couple who is expecting their first baby. They are so sweet! I love being a missionary! That night we had supper with the Cottle family. They just moved into the ward and they used to live in Pittsboro a couple of years ago! It was fun to talk about that little town and the wonderful people there. I love being a missionary!

Friday we went to the Kirby's home and spent all day with Skyla. She is one of the girls who got in the really bad car accident a couple of months ago. She is now out of a wheel chair and is using crutches. We helped to move her room back upstairs, now that she can get up stairs. We cleaned, organized, and decorated her room. I love being a missionary! That night we had supper with Sister Smith. She is the BEST! We had a really long talk with her about how we can get the ward more involved and excited about missionary work. We were able to brainstorm so many good ideas and then we took them to PEC this week and they liked them! YAY! I love being a missionary!

Saturday we went to a service project that a member of our ward was in charge of... only to find that it had been canceled because it was "cold"! I love being a missionary! It was about 30 degrees, but the sun was out and we had dressed for cold weather, so we were able to still help plant some flowers and it was beautiful outside! We felt like we could stay outside all day! After that we stopped by a few more less active homes, but no one answered their doors. I love being a missionary!

Sunday we had Jay come to church and it was pretty good. She gets a little bored... and I'll admit that it was a little boring today in Relief Society. In sacrament meeting we got to hear from my friend Daniel Whitt again! He came and spoke about how members and missionaries need to work together. After church we had supper with the Foster family and tried to contact some people. We had a media referral for someone named Renee who wanted a Bible. She was very sweet and open and we ended up giving her a Bible, our card, a Book of Mormon (With Matt's testimony in it), and an invitation to the Stake Nativity activity. I love being a missionary!

It doesn't feel real that I will be starting to pack up my stuff next week... and I can't believe that it is Thanksgiving next week and then time for me to be getting on a plane. I just KNOW that it is going to snow in NC that week and that I'll be stuck here forever! Pray for no snow until after December 3rd! haha Have I mentioned that I love being a missionary!

Love y'all bunches!
Sister Shurtz

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