Monday, August 26, 2013

Third Transfer, Third Companion, in Fuquay to Stay!

Sister Beech, Sister Quintinar, (an amazing lady in the Fuquay ward) and I
So tomorrow is transfers. Sadly, Sister Beech will be going to Durham and I will be staying here and continue to be junior companion with Sister Draper. She has been out one transfer longer than I have... and that's all I know about her. haha But I will definitely miss Sister Beech. She has taught me so much and I am definitely a better missionary now than I was 6 weeks ago.


I am excited to be able to stay in a place for more than 6 weeks and I feel like I'll really have a chance to get to know the families in the ward as well as our investigators and help them follow through on their commitments. This week has been a BUSY week!


Wednesday we did exchanges with the sisters in Green Level so I got to spend the day with Sister Brown in Fuquay! It was so great to be able to talk with her and swap some stories and hear how everyone is doing. I love her so much! That night we had a church tour with our new investigator Daniel. We had the bishop and a sister ward missionary come with us and went very well.

The Youth from Green Level Ward

Funny story from Wednesday! First of all it is raining... pretty hard. Sister Brown and I were at the gas station, filling up the car, when a man, probably in his 30's, rolled down his window and yelled, "What are you two girls selling?" We were a little startled and replied "We're not selling anything! We're missionaries for our church. You want a pamphlet?" He stopped for a second and said, "Yeah I want a pamphlet!" I went over to his car and told him "I'm Sister Shurtz." I explained a little bit about our church and gave him a restoration pamphlet and told him where our church building is located. He looked up at me and said, "You're Sister Shurtz? Well I'm Brother Pants. We go together pretty well wouldn't you say?" We laughed pretty hard and I got his information and he said he would come to church. The next day we get a voicemail from him that was inviting me to go to dinner with him and maybe tell him more about our church. We laughed pretty hard because I never thought I would get asked on a date when I was on my mission!


Thursday we had a lesson with the Grahams in a member's home where we watched "Man's Search for Happiness". It was a good video and they both enjoyed it a lot and it brought up some really good questions. They are going to get there one day I just know it!

Sister Beech with the Grahams

Friday we did some service and then we also taught a lesson to an investigator where we watched the hour long Joseph Smith movie (which can be found on the 

It was powerful and again we had good conversation because of it. We are supposed to be setting a baptismal date with him this week.


Saturday we had a good visit with Brother Williams. Brother and Sister Wright came with us, as they usually do, and we were able to talk about temples and how important they are. Have I told you about the Wrights? They are an AMAZING family! They have 8 children and they are just the most fun and always willing to help us with whatever we might need. She is definitely one of my favorite people. After that we had a lesson with Daniel... and his parents unexpectedly. They are from Portugal, but they speak pretty good english. They are all very nice and seem decently interested, even though they still call themselves Catholic.

Sister Beech and I with Brother Williams


Yesterday Daniel and the Grahams came to church! Daniel seemed to enjoy it and is planning on coming back next week! Miracles are happening and Fuquay-Varina is a great place to be. But I know that I need to keep working hard and doing everything I can to spread the gospel and to help God's children.


I know this church is true and that prayers are answered. I know that Jesus Christ is our savior and He knows how we feel at all times and is always there to help us overcome our weaknesses. Being a missionary is hard sometimes, but it is also one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. I love the Lord, I love His gospel, and I love the work.

And I love each of you,

Sister Shurtz

Monday, August 19, 2013

In the Lord's Time!

Dearest Family~

I'm not quite sure what to talk about this week... and I'm running out of good first lines to my emails... if I had any to start with. It has been coldish and rainy all week! Today is no exception! It is a weird August, but I really don't mind it not being super hot outside. :)


Bobbie is continuing to make changes in her life and is truly letting the gospel change her. I love her so much!

Debbie... have I told her about her? We had great hopes for her and had just taught her the restoration... for the 3rd time and felt like she was really progressing. She is a very close to the spirit and really loves the Lord. This week she told us that she has decided to stay at her other church. It was a lot like being dumped when you're in a relationship. One of those "it's not you, it's me" moments. We continue to talk to her every now and then and hope that she might change her mind one day.


We had a really great Relief Society activity this week! It was supposed to be a real low key get together type of thing... which was perfect to invite people to come to! We had Marsha Graham come as well as a lot of less-active sisters. We talked about how we are a circle of sisters and we are always there for each other and there to support each other. After a good message from the RS presidency we had time to socialize and eat some ice cream. They had everyone bring different toppings and it was quite a variety! haha Marsha really enjoyed it and asked some good questions. Hopefully she will be more willing to come to church in the future and stay for all 3 hours.

Brother Williams is doing well and is continuing to come to church, do his home teaching, and even shows up on Saturday mornings to help clean the church! It is amazing to see the changes he is making and hopefully will continue to make.


This week we also met with the Robinsons. The husband is not a member and Sister Robinson and their three children are a little bit on the less-active side. Brother Robinson has been learning about the church from missionaries for YEARS. He basically is a member and lives his life that way, except for things like coffee and wine. I really love spending time with their family and helping him answer questions he has. It is all in the Lord's time and I know one day he will get there!


Saturday was a day of knocking on doors. We were in the neighborhood of a less-active we wanted to visit but decided to talk to his neighbors for a bit first. It was raining / sprinkling all day and after a couple of hours, my hair was crazy! It was half soaked from the rain, half frizzy because of the humidity and looked nothing like the nice straightened hair I had started the day with! I have just accepted that I am a missionary and it doesn't matter. :) Anyways... the neighbors were all extremely nice and we had long conversations with about 5 of them! They all had questions and we answered them and it was just a great day to be a missionary! :) And then the person we were there to see wasn't even home, it is all in the Lord's hands!


After that we went to the Grahams and helped with some service and also showed them a great video about prophets from Mormon channel. (You should go look at some of those videos sometime... they're great!)

Yesterday we had a miracle of sorts happen. We stopped by our neighbor's, Joyce and her daughters Janier and Janelle. We had a good conversation with them about what we do as missionaries and also about our church and asked if we could come back in a couple of hours (when we had more time) to show them a video about our church. They said yes... and then when we returned, the girls were gone and Joyce wasn't feeling well (she has a lot of medical issues) and their friend Daniel was the only one there and he answered the door. At first he didn't look too happy and was confused about why we were there. He came outside and we ended up talking about how he feels like he needs to get closer to God and make changes in his life especially because he is going through some really hard times right now. We only talked for about a half an hour, but I already have a love for him! He is a son of God who loves him so much and wants him to return to Him one day! I hope that we can meet up with him for a church tour this week!

District Meeting! :)

Well... that's about all I think. Transfers are next week so we'll see what happens on Saturday when the District Leaders call.
Love you all so much!
-Sister Shurtz

Monday, August 12, 2013

Love Mission Life :)

Dear Bestest Family in the Whole World~


I just want to start by saying thank you so much for all the emails and the pictures you sent me this last week and every week. It really means so much to me that you all support me so much.


I love being a missionary and getting to talk to people about the gospel all the time! Even though it can be really hard, I love it too. After each contact we have (that goes well) I think "I LOVE being a missionary! It's just the greatest!"

Bobbie, our recent convert who was baptized last week, is doing pretty well. We talk to her almost every day and we took her to a fireside at the mission home last night that she really enjoyed. She continues to amaze me by the changes she wants to make in her life and what she feels like she needs to do. Still trying to remind her that she has the gift of the holy ghost now and all that entails... but it's going well. :)

We met with Brother Williams (a less active) this week... I think I've told you about him? He is doing well and wants to get his patriarchal blessing! This is a big deal because last week he told us that since he is 72 years old there wouldn't be any reason for him to get it. We have since helped him see otherwise. He is an amazing man and it is so neat to see his testimony grow and see him realize what he has always believed.


The Grahams, we have realized, are going to take a while. They are the nicest people and so fun to talk to, but they are a little set in their ways. We are continuing to help them with their shed and with other projects around the home that they can't do themselves. We taught them the Plan of Salvation and they seemed to not have any problems with it.
We also taught a woman named Nicole and her two little girls the restoration. Everything seemed to go well, even though we ended up teaching them in a park by their home instead of inside because her husband was asleep on the couch. She seems interested and hopefully will want to know for herself if the church is true. We are  meeting with her again this week to see how her reading went and if she has prayed about the Book of Mormon. Keeping her in our prayers!

I think that's it in way of stories for this week. I hope you all have a great week and remember that I love you and that the Savior loves you too!


Sister Shurtz

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Another Week of Mission Life

This week has been a good one full of exciting times and miracles. It is a great time to be a missionary!

We have been continuing to help with the Graham's shed / mini-house and yesterday we taught them the Plan of Salvation, using the great visual aid that you sent me Renae! It went well but Sister Beech and I were a little down on ourselves afterwards because it didn't go as well as we wanted it to, but there were a lot of factors to that. But just know that we are learning and growing and getting better every day.

For the most part people here are so nice.... just not interested! We have very friendly conversations with people but they never want to hear about the message that will change their lives! I just remind myself that we are just planting seeds and one day they will be ready.

We have a new ward mission leader because the one we had is moving to California in a few days. He is very nice and very willing to help us out and do everything he can to help the area grow. The bishop here, who has only been bishop for about a month now, is SO GREAT! He is really focused on missionary work and is constantly coming up with ways to help us and he is on top of everything. The woman who was baptized on Saturday, Bobbie, already has visiting teachers, home teachers, and will be getting a calling this week as well as invited to go on a temple trip to do baptisms next month. He thinks of everything!

Bobbie's baptism was so great! We had people speak and also had a special musical number by two girls in the ward. She was just beaming the whole time! You can see how truly happy she is now and how much she loves the church. She isn't the most social person, but at church yesterday as well as right after her baptism she was talking to everyone! She was even going out of her way to start the conversation sometimes. She is so great and it is amazing to see the changes in her. I love her so much!

On Saturday night we went to a wedding reception to do some service. The mother of the groom was the relief society president until a month ago when the ward split and at the same time she found out that her cancer has come back and it has come back with a vengeance! It is very rare and everywhere. It is going to be a long battle, but there were two wards who fasted for her yesterday and she is a fighter. We went to the reception to help with setting up and making and serving food and things. It was good to be there to help and also good because there were a few people who came from my last area! It was so fun to see them and talk with them.

Miracle story of the week! One morning as we were leaving the apartment to go running we went past one of our neighbors who was just sitting outside. We just waved and said hi and kept on our way. About a minute into running Sister Beech was in a lot of back pain and I had a really bad cramp in my leg. We just looked at each other and wondered what was going on! I said, "should we just go back?" And I was so surprised when Sister Beech said yes! She is the type of person who keeps going no matter what. As we walked back we were both thinking there must be a reason for this. She decided we needed to talk with our neighbor who immediately told us of her health problems she has been having and how it was impacting her daughters and how she knew there was something we have that would help them. We are going to teach them the first lesson tomorrow so we will see how it goes.

Isn't is amazing how the Lord works through us to be able to reach His different children? I love being a missionary!

I hope all is going well for each of you. Thank you for your emails each week.

Sister Shurtz

P.S. - I will send pictures of the baptism next week.