Wednesday, May 29, 2013

MTC Miracles

At the Temple!

My District
Hey Family!!! -

So as most of you know... I spent Tuesday morning throwing up because my nerves were SO bad.  It was crazy! Dad gave me a blessing and that helped a little bit. After a few hours I finally came to the conclusion that I really, honestly, physically cannot do this on my own. I love the Lord and I want to serve Him the best that I possibly can in these next 18 months... and that means not throwing up every morning! But the minute I got on the plane... I had peace and no more sickness. It was one of the greatest blessings of my life! I felt fine the rest of the day (which included going to the Salt Lake Temple with Matt and Heather and spending the night at my old roommate Megan's apartment) The next morning I felt terrible AGAIN. Matt and Heather came to pick me up from Megan's I got a blessing from Matt and in it he promised me health and strength at least while I was in the MTC. And I have felt completely normal ever since. Miracles happen!!!

The MTC is nothing like I thought it would be... it is so much better! I love it here SO much! My district is awesome! My district leader (Elder Latu) is from TONGA! haha I just love it so much here! My companion is Sister Deacon and she is a lot like me. A little reserved but can be loud and/or in charge when she needs to be. We spend every day... all day... teaching and studying. I have never felt the spirit so much in my life! I have also never been quite to tired in my life haha. There have been amazing devotionals and amazing lessons... and one not so great lesson. But I am learning lots. My teachers are amazing and I love them a lot. Sorry I don't have a lot to tell... But just know that I'm doing great, I love you all a lot and I will be leaving the MTC on June 3rd EARLY in the morning. haha
Sister Shurtz

Look Who I Ran Into!

It's a small world, even here in the Missionary Training Center!  I frequently see Sister Jacquie Button and Sister Mattie Warner because our rooms are just a few doors apart. :)

Monday, May 20, 2013

I'd LOVE to hear from you!

Missionaries like mail.  This is no secret, right?  Here's how to send some to me!

Mission Home Address: (Good for letters and packages ;) )
Sister Katelyn Ann Shurtz
North Carolina Raleigh Mission
6508 Falls of Neuse Ste 100
Raleigh, NC 27615-6845