Monday, October 27, 2014

Knightdale with Sister Badger

Sister Badger is my new companion and she is amazing! She loves organizing, so we have been organizing a lot of things to help us work better in the area. As soon as we finish that we will be able to use all of our energy out there working! We were born on the same day, April 6, 1993. She is from Provo, and also studied at BYU. I'm so excited and blessed to get to work with her!

Tuesday we had a lesson with Allean. She is wonderful, but still doesn't want to be baptized again. 

Wednesday we had district meeting and then we biked to the library to do facebook time and then we had a lesson at the church with William and Sister Downing. We talked a lot about the blessings that come from the church and how we can know that something is true. I was able to share my testimony with him of eternal families and how I know that we can be together forever because of the Priesthood and the temple. Still to no avail, he did not come to church this Sunday.

Thursday we started our organizing of the area. We got a new ward list because there were about 10 families who moved into the area in the last couple of months. We got to start from scratch. I put the whole ward into my GPS and we found which area they live in and we are making lists that will make it easier to work when we are out during the week. Sister Badger is amazing! She reminds me of Erin with how organized she is!

That night we had supper with Sister Iacabone and her children. They are so cute and we found out that she lives right across the street from our investigator Amanda!

Friday we found three new investigators! One is named Jay. She was a referral from the Spanish Sisters. She is looking for more peace in her life. We had Sister Cross come to a lesson with Allean and then she drove us the 15 minutes it takes to get to where Jay lives. When she opened the door she had a very confused look on her face. Come to find out she had just finished praying for guidance, peace, and direction! God answers prayers!!! 

Our other two investigators are Brother and Sister Parrish. They are an older couple who live up the street from us. I think I've mentioned them before... but they were first given a copy of the Book of Mormon 60 years ago. Now they are in their 90's. 

Saturday we biked to the library again and then went to visit Amanda and a former. Amanda hadn't been answering her phone all week and we found out that it is because she got her wisdom teeth pulled! Ouch! We tried a lot more people that day and found some great potentials. That night we had dinner with the Kirkpatrick family and then went to the adult session of Stake Conference.

One of the speakers was a friend from my freshman ward at BYU. Daniel is in the Raleigh 2nd ward and just returned from his mission in Brazil. After the meeting I walked up to him and said, "Hi Daniel!" He looked at me with a REALLY confused face and said, "Didn't your hair used to be brown? What are you doing here!?" I responded, "Doing the work! What are you doing in my area!?" haha it was fun to see an old friend.

Sunday we had Stake Conference and Jay came! She was a little surprised by how different it was, especially because we were watching a broadcast to our building and there were some changes in the Stake Presidency. She is willing to come next week and give it another chance before she decides if she likes it or not, but the music is the thing that threw her off the most. We are a lot more reverent than she is used to.

After church we walked around our neighborhood and met a woman named Betty. She is amazing and is our new investigator also! She took a trip earlier in the year to Jerusalem and we were able to talk a lot about Christ's life. As we were explaining the Book of Mormon to her we told her it was a record that was buried to keep it safe. Her reaction was, "Did they ever find it!?" We were able to tell her "YES!" We gave her a copy of the Book of Mormon with Avary's testimony in it and she loved it! Thank you so much Avary for sharing your testimony! It means a lot to Betty!

I love being a missionary! I love teaching people about Jesus Christ and being taught by other's and their amazing experiences. I love North Carolina! I feel so blessed to be here and be able to serve the Lord. 

Love y'all! 
Sister Shurtz

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